Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Rwanda Gkongoro Nyarusiza

Rwanda is a new origin for me. This is the first coffee I have tried from this country, and I was interested to see what it is like. It is fascinating how different areas produce such different coffees. Circle 'round Lake Victoria, and let's see what we have:

Kenya is the home of super-high-toned, winey and acidic coffees, Tanzania is similar, but more toned down. Uganda is more like an Indonesian coffee, low acid and brooding. What will Rwanda be?


Roasted to Full City, this is a nice, bittersweet, simple cup. Pleasant enough, but nothing to really stand out in my opinion. There is a very faint blackberry note in there, but overall it got some yawns in my house. Perhaps one could generously call it "balanced".....

Oh, and here is the profile:

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