Monday, September 8, 2008

Aged Sumatra Grade 1 Lintong

Life has intruded on blogging quite a bit lately. Not only has it prevented me from spending time on the computer typing things out, my coffee has suffered. I have been playing around with roasting profiles again, as I mentioned on the last post.

Very rarely do I produce coffee that is truly bad. Sure, I have had my mediocre roasts, mistakes, etc., but generally they are still better than the dreck I find at work, in a restaurant, etc. This time around, though, the results were truly bad.

I was playing around again with longer roast times and lower initial temperatures, like I did for the Nicaraguan coffee I last posted on. This time I pulled out some Aged Sumatra. I had roasted this one some months ago and really liked it. It reminded me of Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum, if you have ever had that fine concoction. This time around, I dragged the profile out to a full 20 minute roast:

I hesitate even posting this profile; you should just go ahead and burn it. The coffee it produced was truly vile. Leathery and gross, but at the same time baked and lifeless. Yuck.

I consider these two last roast profile experiments a failure. I have done some more experiments trying to stay close to the spirit of the original recommendation of drying things out more early in the roast, which have been more successful. Stay tuned.
If anyone wants the profile I used a while back for a good version of this coffee, send me an e-mail and I can dig it out of my notebook.

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