Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Kenya AA Nyeri Gachatha

I lurve me some Kenya coffee. It is sort of funny since in the beginning of my roasting career, I really disliked the stuff. Too many examples of teeth-peeling acidic samples I guess. This particular coffee is sort of unusual. It lacks the strong berry-like flavors that are common among high-end Kenyas, but boy oh boy is this stuff good. This was a small lot that arrived late in the season last year, and unfortunately is all gone now from Sweet Marias.

The roast:

I tried to give this coffee a lot of heat to build flavor since Kenyas are so dense. It took everything I could give it and laughed - my roaster never got to 482 degrees before first crack started and I had to lower it. The smells from the roaster were intense - just like candy.

In the cup, this is a somewhat simple coffee (for a Kenya). It has a deep malty sweetness, mild acidity, and a long sugary aftertaste. Seriously, this coffee is like drinking molten sugar. It is that sweet. As the cup cools a bit, there are some interesting notes that emerge, almost like an aged coffee. There is some spice, maybe tobacco, but it is a subtle thing.

All around, one of the most enjoyable coffees I have had lately.

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